
The header on each page allows you to go to the FrontPage (home), RecentChanges (recent modifications), TitleIndex (index of all the page titles), WordIndex (index of all the words in the page titles), SiteNavigation (list of navigation tools), and HelpContents (main help page).

On the upper right you find icons for the most often used functions:

Clicking on the Page Title link located in the header above will show every page that references this page. A sample use of this back-referencing, inverted-links feature is the categorization of pages, i.e. CategoryHomepage. On the bottom of each page, you find the "traditional" edit and search links known from the original wiki, and in addition fields for quick-searching titles and the page texts, plus links to call any custom actions you have installed.

last modified 2006-01-31 03:50:30