[flisol-devel] Novo Sistema de Registro

Igor TAmara igor at tamarapatino.org
Tue Dec 4 00:05:11 BRST 2007

Dear Maxx :), 
Maxx> Olá Igor !
Maxx> 	Ok. if you read better in english, let's talk in
Maxx> english/spanish/portuguese :-)
I guess we can practice our english then ;) , I really appreciate if
we can do it, but if you see any problem with this, just let me
know, if we can make some more people involved in l10ning and
helping flysis, I'll try my best to read portuguese and promess to
write in spanish, just let me know.
Maxx> 	We need to think in sponsors too, to help us in prepare the real 
Maxx> 	event in our city and to mount a nice structure to our visitors.
I'm sorry, I don't remember any issue with accents or things like
that, I'm sure we had little communication with people from the
cities, but I know we've learned from past experiences.
Maxx> >
Maxx> >Si entendí bien, consruyeron una herramienta para cuadrar horario de
Maxx> >conferencias.  Es una idea muy buena.
Maxx> >
Maxx> >If I'm right, you constructed a tool to admin the conferences
Maxx> >schedule.  It's a neat idea.
Maxx> 	The FliSys idea is much more than a conferences sheduler. Still in 
Maxx> develepoment (v0.3), but, high usable at now. The FliSys can be easily 
Maxx> translated to any language (now we have portuguese and spanish comming 
Maxx> soon, with help by all of you). And can easily to integrate with wiki.
Of course, I'll be motivating people here on l10n, by the way, I'm
ikks on sourceforge if you want to add me as a helper ;).  In the
past we made a clean plugin for moinmoin that let us create reports
via sql queries and a macro, that let us add a form for the cities.
The document that guided our work is at [a]
On that doc, you can see how the macro could be used to show some
queries.  We only need permissions on postgresql, the socket and
preferably an ssl connection if we have one machine for the wiki and
other for the db.
Maxx> 	The FliSys can register visitors, speakers and teams. Lectures and 
Maxx> Workshops can be registered by a member and voted by teams. Statistics 
Maxx> of install fest with numbers of installed machines, what installed 
Maxx> software and much more can be add in future. Statistics of visitors, 
Maxx> what yours city/village and your address, phone numbers, etc. To keep 
Maxx> our visitors very closer of us in next events and creating a local 
Maxx> community more united.
We haven thought about registering visitors, the people that brought
the computer hardly kept in the db, I wouldn't blame the system, but
the many things and details are involved on each city.
Maxx> 	I suggest that you try a Peter copy of FliSys at
Maxx> http://hurlinux.com.ar/filsys/
Maxx> user: admin
Maxx> pwd: admin
I logged on succesfully, and looks pretty, I like your CSS :) , It
would be nice to have a uniform CSS for the wiki and the system, to
make them look the same if possible.  But I'm not good at it.
Maxx> >
Maxx> >En qué motor de bases de datos está montado? 
Maxx> >Which db engine are you using?
Maxx> 	PostgreSQL. And the language is PHP, because the idea is that each 
Maxx> regional team can easily configure a local web server with no especial 
Maxx> configuration and is more know.
I see, previously we thought about centralicing, we sent an email
whenever there was a new participant to let the maillist or the one
who was in charge of event's logistic.  So they would be able to
make some turns.
Maxx> 	After the event, the regional teams can easily and quickly send his 
Maxx> statistics to us and we can make a automatic way to do it. With his
Maxx> statistic, we can generate much more than only number of installed
Maxx> machines in a general context.
I see, this is clever :)
Maxx> >
Maxx> >El código que usamos previamente está en [3], dado que zope tiene su
Maxx> >propio sistema de versionamiento, si hacemos que funcione, podrás
Maxx> >tener una cuenta y dar un vistazo al código, lo cual sería muy
Maxx> >bueno.
Maxx> >
Maxx> >The code used is on [3], zope has it's own versioning system, so if
Maxx> >we make it run, You'll be able to get an account to take a look at
Maxx> >the code, it would be really nice
Maxx> >
Maxx> >3.http://igor.tamarapatino.org/flisol/flisolfiles.tar.gz
Maxx> >
Maxx> >Adicionalmente, si me indicas tu nombrewiki en [4], te adicionaré al
Maxx> >grupo de desarollo y podrás ver de forma gráfica el modelo entidad
Maxx> >relación y los documentos que describen la construcción del sistema.
Maxx> >
Maxx> >By the way, if you give me your wiki username at [4], I will put you
Maxx> >in the devel group, so you can see in a graphical way the er db
Maxx> >model and the docs describing the construction of the system.
Maxx> 	ok. My wikiname is maxxfonseca.
Please let me know if you are not able to see the page refered as
Maxx> >
Maxx> >Muchas gracias :)
Maxx> >
Maxx> >Thanks
Maxx> []'s
Maxx> Maxx
See ya.
Recomiendo Postgresql, el sistema manejador de bases de datos
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