Email Notification of Ticket Changes

Trac supports basic notification for ticket changes using email.

Email notification is useful to keep users up-to-date on tickets/issues of interest, and also provides a convenient way to post ticket changes to a dedicated mailing list. Note: As an example, this is how the Trac-tickets mailing list works.

Disabled by default, notification can be activated and configured in trac.ini.

Receiving Notification

When reporting a new ticket or adding a comment, enter a valid email address in the reporter, editor or cc field. Trac will automatically send you an email when changes are made to the ticket.

This is useful to keep up-to-date on an issue or enhancement request that interests you.

Configuring SMTP Notification

Config Options

These are the available options for the [notification] section in trac.ini.

  • smtp_enabled: Enable notification.
  • smtp_server: SMTP server used for notification messages.
  • smtp_user: (requires 0.9) user name for authentication SMTP account.
  • smtp_password: (requires 0.9) password for authentication SMTP account.
  • smtp_from: Email address to use for Sender-headers in notification emails.
  • smtp_replyto: Email address to use for Reply-To-headers in notification emails.
  • smtp_always_cc: List of email addresses to always send notifications to. Typically used to post ticket changes to a dedicated mailing list.
  • always_notify_reporter: Always send notifications to any address in the reporter field.
  • always_notify_owner: (requires 0.9) Always send notifications to the address in the owner field.

Either smtp_from or smtp_replyto (or both) must be set, otherwise Trac refuses to send notification mails.

Example Configuration

smtp_enabled = true
smtp_server =
smtp_from = [email protected]
smtp_replyto = [email protected]
smtp_always_cc = [email protected], [email protected]

Sample Email

#42: testing
       Id:  42             |      Status:  assigned                
Component:  report system  |    Modified:  Fri Apr  9 00:04:31 2004
 Severity:  major          |   Milestone:  0.9                     
 Priority:  lowest         |     Version:  0.6                     
    Owner:  anonymous      |    Reporter:  [email protected]               
  * component:  changset view => search system
  * priority:  low => highest
  * owner:  jonas => anonymous
  * cc:  [email protected] =>
         [email protected], [email protected]
  * status:  new => assigned
I'm interested too!
Ticket URL: <>
My Project <>

See also: TracTickets, TracIni, TracGuide