trac.ini Reference

Trac configuration is done by editing the trac.ini config file, located in <projectenv>/conf/trac.ini.

This is a brief reference of available configuration options.


database Database connection string for this project
default_charset Charset used in text files in the subversion repository (default is iso-8859-15)
default_handler Name of the component that handles requests to the base URL (default is WikiHandler) (since 0.9)
repository_dir Path to local Subversion repository
authz_file Path to Subversion authorization (authz) file.
check_auth_ip Whether the IP address of the user should be checked for authentication (true, false) (since 0.9)
ignore_auth_case Whether case should be ignored for login names (true, false) (since 0.9)
templates_dir Path to the ClearSilver templates


name Project name
descr Short project description
url URL to the main project website
icon URL to icon file to use as shortcut icon (favicon)
footer Page footer text (right-aligned)
src URL to image to use as header logo
link Destination URL to link to from header logo
alt alt text for header logo
width Header logo width in pixels
height Header logo height in pixels


log_type Logging facility to use. (none, file, stderr, syslog, winlog)
log_file If log_type is file, this should be a path to the log-file
log_level Level of verbosity in log (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG)

See also: TracLogging


max_size Maximum allowed file size for ticket and wiki attachments


smtp_enabled Enable SMTP (email) notification (true, false)
smtp_server SMTP server to use for email notifications
smtp_user Username for SMTP server (since 0.9)
smtp_password Password for SMTP server (since 0.9)
smtp_from Sender address to use in notification emails
smtp_replyto Reply-To address to use in notification emails
smtp_always_cc Email address(es) to always send notifications to
always_notify_reporter Always send notifications to any address in the reporter field
always_notify_owner Always send notifications to the ticket owner (since 0.9)

See also: TracNotification


enscript_path Path to the Enscript program
php_path Path to the PHP program
max_preview_size Maximum file size for HTML preview (since 0.9)
tab_width Displayed tab width in file preview (since 0.9)


default_version Default version for newly created tickets
default_severity Default severity for newly created tickets
default_priority Default priority for newly created tickets
default_milestone Default milestone for newly created tickets
default_component Default component for newly created tickets
restrict_owner Make the owner field of tickets use a drop-down menu (since 0.9)


Creates user-defined ticket fields. See TracTicketsCustomFields.


changeset_show_files Number of files to show (-1 for unlimited, 0 to disable)
default_daysback Default "depth" of the Timeline, in days (since 0.9)


hide_properties List of subversion properties to hide from the repository browser (since 0.9)


ignore_missing_pages enable/disable highlighting CamelCase links to missing pages (since 0.9)


You can disable any Trac component by listing its name in this section and assigning a truth value (e.g. yes). See the Plugins page on About Trac to get the list of active components. (since 0.9)

See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin, TracEnvironment